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Welcome to Our Weightloss Journey

Andy's Story


Our weight loss journey began like most people, by gaining weight!

For me, after several years of only focusing on working hard to provide, being a husband and a dad I never really made my health a priority. I soon found myself at least 60+ lbs. overweight. I had all sorts of back problems, digestions issues, and just tired and sluggish all the time.

Danielle and I decided it was time to cut the FAT! So what did we do? Joined a gym and went to work! We spent the 10 months or so working diligently to lose the weight we had gained. We were hitting the gym 5-6 times a week for an hour and a half each day.

Once we learned we were expecting our fourth child we knew it would be tough to keep that schedule with the demands of an infant, and to be honest, we were already getting drained from hauling our older three children with us each time. It was a 15 mile one way trip and getting costly. We needed something different!

Danielle wanted to do P90X and begged me to let her purchase it after Scarlett was born. I was reluctant because well, by this time I had become a full blown gym rat and didn’t really buy into the idea of workout DVD’s. I knew guys who said they had done it and never seen much of a difference in them so I figured they were full of hot air, or Beachbody was. So I went into the P90X with the arrogant mindset of putting IT to the test! HA!

Well let’s just say I’m glad I did. That first year I spent at the gym I had lost around 30 lbs. and by day 60 of the 90 days into the X I had lost another 25 lbs. and was in the best shape of my life! I fell in love with the workouts, the results, and most importantly, the nutrition from Shakeology and the challenge group I was a part of! We knew we had to pay this forward and become Coaches to help others achieve the same!

 Danielle entered her journey a little different than I did, here’s her story…


Danielle's Story

Andy and I were constantly going to the gym over the years. After having our fourth child I just couldn't get to the gym as much as I wanted. I was starting to frustrated and slowly getting depressed.  That's when I found p90x.


Andy wasn't totally sold on the idea but supported my decision.  I had a friend who introduced me to a challenge group. When I got my p90x in the mail it came with a bag of Shakeology.  I was breastfeeding at the time and wasn't sure of it so, in the cabinet it went.  Well, I kept thinking of it so I started my research. 


I found out it was all natural ingredients, nothing artificial at all, no artificial sugars, no dyes, no fillers.  And a lot of women were using while breastfeeding and even pregnant with doctors approval, replacing their prenatal because of all the vitamins. I was convinced enough to try it. I drank a shake each day, NOT by replacing a meal but using it as a snack, so I didn't hurt my supply. I also hid it from Andy because I thought he would make fun of it. After 4-5 days of drinking it, I started noticing some things. 


I was skeptical and thought it was all in my head until Andy started noticing some of the same things! Lots of energy, clearer skin, more focused, my depression literally gone.  So I confessed what had been using and he started researching it to.  He told me if it was really helping me this much, I could continue to stay on it.  3 months later I lost 25 pounds and started my journey to pay it forward for what it did for me.    Today, we both and our kids continue to drink it every day.  

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