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Beachbody Coaching Open House!

Day 1 Part 1:

 Beachbody Coaching Open House!


I'm really EXCITED to have each and every one of you a part of this 5 day group to learn more about our lives as Beachbody coaches. Over the next few days we are committed to sharing the details about what we do on a daily basis to grow our business and what this opportunity means to us. It’s about more than exercise and inviting others to be healthy. It’s about working as a team to chase our dreams (whatever they are) and inspiring other people to do the same.


Have you ever had a feeling that you were meant to do something GREAT in this life? That you would leave a lasting impression and make a difference? Maybe you’re here because you want to create a second income to relieve some financial burden, or to spend more time with your children and work from home. Maybe you want to retire your spouse, give more to a mission or charity, save for a college fund, dream home, or car. Maybe you just want an adventure. Something that will challenge you to DREAM BIG again… We come from all different backgrounds, reasons, goals and driving forces for success, but we all DREAM BIG and help each other reach our goals.


Throughout this page, we will be sharing information in mostly video form (with some text like this of course, because we can’t be quiet … EVER!) These videos are from various leaders on our team. We all work together to make our teams as successful as possible.


Check out your first video from my dear friend and 2013's Top Coach, Lindsay Matway!

Whatever your dream is...I hope you find it here.


Day 1 Part 2:


You are here because you are curious about coaching, and/or your personal coach or friend noticed qualities in you that stand out to be those that make great coaches.


I Lwould love to get to know you better and hear about what you would like to get out of the coaching experience. I know the team and I would love nothing more than to help you reach your goals and live an extraordinary life!

It's natural to be excited, but also hesitant, when starting something new. Over the next five days you are going to hear from some top coaches from our team and how coaching has not only helped change the lives of our challengers but, how coaching has changed our lives too!!

This job is all about helping other people succeed. Our goal is to ADD VALUE and help people grow closer to their goals, be that PHYSICAL, MENTAL, SPIRITUAL, and/or FINANCIAL! We focus on our challengers getting results by teaching them clean eating, meal planning, meal prep, and giving them daily support and accountability. Your success is not related to selling things to others... it is ALL about HELPING other people succeed!

Please watch this first video (it will be the longest of the 5 days (at about 8 mins) but I wanted to let you in on a little bit about myself (Andy Neher), as well as give you a glimpse into why I started coaching, what the CORE of coaching is ALL about, and who makes a good coach!!

Day 2 Part 1:

I know some of you have been wondering... AM I CUT OUT TO BE A COACH?!?!!

Watch this video from my coach Lindsay Stay and see WHO really makes a GOOD COACH and if that includes YOU!!

Day 2 Part 2:


This is an IMPORTANT ONE --- because I KNOW it has to be on the minds of some in this group!! Scared to get the Pyramid Scheme question??? Not sure what to say??


hahaha I assure you, you are NOT part of some crazy scheme that shuffles money around and doesn't help anyone.

Whew. HOW inaccurate that actually is, is mind-blowing. In fact, you are part of a mission that it's SOLE purpose is

to improve the QUALITY OF LIFE of everyone!

Look, we ALL know someone who has failed at a business like this. But truth be told, you only permanently fail if you QUIT. And it isn't the BUSINESS at that point, yet the person, unwilling to grow and roll with the punches.

Watch what Lindsay says about the Pyramid Scheme.

Excited to share the TRUTH about the "PYRAMID SCHEME" objection!    

Day 3 Part 1:


I get it ALL. THE. TIME. ---> "I'm gonna wait until I have a transformation." Or.. "Shoot, I am NOT coach material." or "I don't have a Beachbody!"


Uuummm... HOLD THE PHONE!!! There is no LOOK, level of fitness or body type that makes a great Coach!! It's your heart and your determination to create a movement that matters.

It's the willingness to help others start THEIR journey and the desire to build a business that can change your life!

So... get that lil objection outta the way!

Watch this video from my coach Lindsay Stay to see why I think you crazy!

Day 3 Part 2:

Ever thought to yourself: Being a coach sounds like it would be GREAT, but I am NOT a SALESPERSON... and nor do I want to be!!!

I want you to watch the video below and then I want you to realize, in a way... YA KINDA ARE!!! We ALL are!!!


I mean, have you ever gone to a restaurant and had a phenomenal meal, only to rave about it to your friends?!

Or how about you found a new product, loved it... and then blasted it on social media!

WE, as a culture, LOVE sharing our OPINIONS! It's the reason why sites like YELP and Trip Advisor are so HUGE!!! <---- Which also reminds me to mention, we also LOVE reading the opinions and experiences of our friends!!! It helps us to better gage our decision on whether or not we are going to try something out!!!
If I am about to go to a restaurant I've never been to before... I go on YELP and check out the reviews!

Think of YOURSELF as the YELP for at home fitness! You are a customer who is sharing your experiences openly and honestly!

EXCEPT unlike YELP, you will actually GO to "the restaurant" with them and ENSURE they have a positive experience! (AKA, challenge groups!)

Sure, you make a 25% commission from them buying from YOU... BUT, that's nothing to feel guilty about! They benefit TOO!!! Not only do you walk them through the program offering support and accountability, but when they purchase through a coach they get a bonus workout dvd and when purchasing a challenge pack, they can save between 25-30% off retail price!! In my opinion, that's a WIN-WIN for both parties!

I know the word SALES scares people, but what I hope you can see after watching the vid below is that there isn't going to be some BIG JUMP from where you are today to where you are as a coach!

Just more accountability and opportunity for YOU to SHARE your journey and impact the lives of those around you!

Day 4 Part 1:


Ok, so let's be real... talking about money can be AWKWARD!!! But it can also create a vision for those who are starting upon this journey.
It can stir something inside of you that screams.. I CAN DO THAT TOO!!!
Now with that said, if you focus solely ON THE MONEY, you won't get far before you get frustrated. As with any business, there is some groundwork to be laid. You won't instantly have a million dollars fall in your lap, BUT, with consistent effort of focusing on helping others, you will build an amazing business in an incredibly short amount of time!


There are a few ways to earn money in Beachbody:

Commissions- you make 25% commission on all products bought through your websites. You earn even more off of Challenge Packs.
Team Bonus- What sets this business apart and makes it so unique and AWESOME, is the fact that it's a team effort.

You can make a great supplemental income off commission, but the magic happens with Team Bonus. The importance of building a team, aside from blessing others with this opportunity, is the fact that we can earn off of our teams efforts. Not only our team, but EVERYONE under us. All products have points, and points equate to dollars. I will further explain in detail of HOW, once you are a coach.

Quarterly Bonus- Once you are a 2 Star Diamond and above, you are eligible for a quarterly bonus. 2 Star is around $1,000, 5 Star, is $4,000ish, 10 Star is $16,000 and 15 Star is around $40,000... all QUARTERLY.


Check out my fellow teammate and coach Caleb Thomas's video on all the ways that us coaches earn $$$$!!!


Day 4 Part 2:


Today we will cover a pretty big aspect of Coaching and the bread and butter of our business. And that is Challenge Groups!!

This is where we place our challengers to ensure they get the accountability they need. Challenge groups breed friendships and coaches. There is something about the bond formed between those that are in pursuit of similar goals.


Together we are better. Check it!! 



Day 5 Part 1:

So yesterday we talked about Team Bonus and the financial freedom that is possible. But in order to take FULL ADVANTAGE of team bonus, you, my friend, have to build a TEAM!!!!

This was my favorite part when starting my BB biz. I was so excited to form a team of excited like-minded people. And it was no doubt, my continued excitement (even in the struggles) that has led to my success!!


Check out Lindsay Stay's take on building a team!!


Day 5 Part 2:


Some people may think they do not know enough people to grow this thing. And as you've heard me say before, by 25 it's said that we know at least a THOUSAND people. And honestly, it only takes a few DETERMINED and ambitious people to significantly grow your team!


And truth be told, it wasn't until THIS year that I started drawing in people I DIDN'T know. Up until then, my entire business was people from my "warm market."

However, I wouldn't suggest waiting to grow your network. They are ways to add to your network daily. You can add:
-friends of friends
-people from common interest groups
-people you meet out and about
Or from:

Check it out!
I love this video made by my teammate Scottie Hobbs (2103 #4 Coach)







Read this AFTER you've gone through all the posts.


I have taken 5 days to explain and overview an opportunity that has not only changed MY life, but has changed the lives of every coach on this team!

While you may be tempted to jump on board, you may still be wondering, AM I RIGHT FOR THIS?!
After 2 years as a coach, I have definitely come to realize THIS BUSINESS, the opportunity to BE YOUR OWN BOSS, is NOT for everyone!


- Those who lack any self-discipline.
- Those who want to take the PATH of LEAST resistance.
- Those who need structure and everything spelled out ahead of time. 
- Those unwilling to step outside their comfort zone.
- Those who are unwilling to change.



Well, here's the thing, I am at a place in my business where financial gain is NOT my main motivation anymore! I say "anymore" because, let me be honest with you, when I started, I knew money was what I needed to relieve the financial strain my family was in. Money was at the TOP of my priority list back then... and for GOOD REASON! But these days, my MOTIVATION is to PAY THIS BLESSING FORWARD to others who might be where I once WAS!


No, you do not HAVE to be in dire straits to be a contender, but I am looking for people who I connect with and whom I see MYSELF in! Simply put, because I KNOW I can help lead them effectively and I also know I will ENJOY working with them and that they will add even greater value to the team!

So, here is a quick breakdown of my "IDEAL COACH":


- Knows DEEP DOWN they were made for MORE than they are currently doing with their life.
- Wants to provide for themselves and not have to rely on working for SOMEONE ELSES DREAM to support them, but ready to live theirs and also feels a calling to give back and help others!
- Wants to live life BY DESIGN: Traveling, meeting new people, giving back!
Working WHEN you want, with WHOM you want, WHERE you want, and doing WHAT you WANT.
- COACHABLE and willing to spend a year making short-term sacrifices if it meant spending the rest of their life enjoying long-term SUCCESS!


IF THAT SOUNDS LIKE YOU --- and you've been waiting for some type of "sign" to come and hit you in the face... THIS IS YOUR SIGN!!!


If this group has solidified your belief that this business is your destiny and you would like to sign as a coach and join Team Fitness Redemption, post below "I WANT THIS" and tag the person that invited you to this group!!! And we will follow up with you!

I am SO thankful that you guys joined me on this fun five days.

if you have any further questions about the business, please feel free to post your questions below or send me a message!

I'm looking forward to working with you and seeing your dreams come into fruition!!!



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