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No matter how good your workout is, at some point you want even more—more energy, better endurance, incredible strength…faster recovery. That’s why we’ve developed theBeachbody Performance System. To turbocharge your workouts and recovery no matter what your fitness level.

The Beachbody Performance System was designed by Harvard-trained scientists and is based on cutting-edge sports science, exercise physiology, and nutrition research. Each of the five Beachbody Performance supplements are comprised of scientifically-proven ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients and plant-based nutrients to help maximize exercise performance and recovery—safely, effectively, and naturally. They contain no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.


Tired of squats, lunges, push-ups, and boring cardio? Then pay attention because you're about to look forward to working out! Shaun T goes back to his dancing roots and makes losing weight an “experience.” You'll be LIVIN’ and SWEATIN’ to hot new moves and great music!

And if you think you can’t dance, don’t worry. Shaun breaks down the routines, step-by-step, move-by-move, and builds them into a full dance workout. And at the end, you’ll get to CIZE IT UP to songs from Shaun’s playlist. You’ll be so focused on mastering the moves that for 35–40 minutes you’ll forget you’re actually burning fat and calories, and getting in the best shape of your life.

"Don't say you can’t dance…because anyone can dance…" —Shaun T

 P90 it is the workout you can finally do! It’s for beginers, and it will get you results! All the workouts in P90 are 30 minutes or less, so you will have a lot of time left in the day, and no excuses to not get your P90 workout done!


What’s even better? I have a private Facebook group with several other coaches to help you and others just like yourself get KILLER results with your P90 Program!

Introducing Insanity Max30!

With INSANITY, Shaun T gave you a year's worth of results in only 60 days. And now, 5 years later, it's time for INSANITY MAX:30— the hardest 30 minutes of your life. There's no equipment needed; just push to your MAX and get insane results in 30 minutes a day.

In INSANITY MAX:30, the only thing standing between you and the body you want . . . is YOU. Every day you'll push a little harder, go a little longer, and dig a little deeper. It's not about finishing the workout—it's about seeing how far you'll go before you MAX OUT.

One more minute. One more rep. One step closer to the body you want. INSANITY MAX:30.



You've been asking, and we’re excited to announce from Team Fitness Redemption and Beachbody that soon, you’ll be able to get unlimited, on demand access to stream Beachbody workout programs. Workout with Beachbody anytime, any device, anywhere!


With Beachbody On Demand, Team Beachbody Club members will be able to stream hundreds of Beachbody workouts—including P90X®, INSANITY® and LES MILLS COMBAT—from the digital library. You’ll also have access to nutrition guides, calendars, and more at the touch of a button. All just by being a member of Club.





Will I need to buy the fitness program to stream them?
No. Programs inside the digital library come with a membership to Team Beachbody Club.


Will there be an extra cost per workout watched?
No. Unlimited access is included in Team Beachbody Club membership at no extra cost.


Will I be able to stream workouts internationally?
Yes. You will be able to stream abroad as long as you have a valid internet connection.


Will the workouts be available to download and watch offline?
No. Programs inside the digital library come with a membership to Team Beachbody Club.


A lot of you may already be club members and this will open up just that many more amazing programs and recources for you!


Check out the video below and if you're not ready for a membership now, just go to the Home page and sign up for a FREE 5 day clean eating guide and you'll get an email notification to be one of the first to know when it's up and running this Spring!

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