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My Insanity Max 30 Review and Results

So this week I have officially completed one full round, (60 days) of Shaun T's new Insanity Max 30 program! In this post I'm going to tell you everything I loved, and didn't love about this program.

First off, this program is INTENSE! which should come to no surprise unless you're new to insanity or any of Shaun T's workouts. I personally hate cardio so this was definitely tough for me. What I loved about it most though, was that It's really you against yourself...let me go into a little detail about the program overall, and the things I liked about it.

What is Insanity Max 30?

Insanity Max 30 is a workout and nutrition program that runs for 60 days. It was designed to help you get the lean, shredded abs, amazing glutes and crazy lean arms you have been striving for in just 30 minutes per day during that 60 day period. Of course, if you complete the 60 days and still have not met your goals, you repeat the program and try to improve your performance each time. Insanity Max: 30 features a variety of 30 minute workouts that work your body through strength and cardio moves to get you in the best shape of your life. The workouts include 150 plus new cardio and Tabata-style strength moves that require zero equipment. All you need is sheer determination in order to complete the 30 minute session each day. Every workout is a brand-new challenge and, if you commit to maxing out your effort and dial in your nutrition with Shakeology, you can get the maximum results that Shaun T and Beachbody promise.

When it comes to “Maxing Out”, Shaun T is referring to pushing your body beyond what you think it is capable of, while also being mindful of your limits and abilities. Some may max out two minutes into the workout and others may last ten or twenty. Not even the fittest of trainers in the Insanity Max: 30 test group were able to last the entire 30 minutes so this program promises to be a challenge, and it definitely challenged me! It is one that you can continue to repeat after your initial days are over and continue to build endurance, stamina and strength with each time. And do not think that Insanity is not for you just because you are new to fitness. There are modifiers in each of the workouts that allow you to complete them with low impact moves, which I did have to resort to from time to time.

One of the unique features of this version of Insanity is that it features the very popular 21 Day Fix portion control containers in its nutrition guide. The 21 Day Fix has been a program that has helped countless men and women in my challenge groups and beyond achieve their weight loss goals while learning how to eat the right foods in the right portions each day. It is not a quick fix diet and is intended to make healthy eating a habit. The 21 Day Fix containers can be purchased separately or as part of an Insanity Max: 30 package and are essential in following the Insanity: Max 30 meal plan, Pretty COOL!

What are the Workouts Like?

The Insanity Max 30 workouts are broken down into sections that begin with a warm up and end with a brief cool down. They consist of interval training, Tabata-Style workouts and are similar to HIIT style (high impact interval training) programs. You will go very hard, up to your max, for 20 seconds and then take 10 seconds to recover on most, with a few having no recovery time until the end.

Most of the workouts are 30 to 40 minutes in length, depending on the length of the warm up and cool down. They are supposed to be done six days a week with one day off as a rest day. They feature intense plyometric cardio moves including running in place, jumping jacks, push-ups, squat jumps and various floor drills.

Overall, Its an extremely versatile and challenging program guaranteed to get you into some great shape and gain some crazy agility!

What I didn't like.

What I didn't like about this program was really more from a personal preference than anything else. Like I said in the beginning, I hate cardio and this is a lot of cardio! It's also hard on the joints...very high impact and it's going to pound your knees and ankles pretty good if you're not modifying so be prepared for that! I would suggest good shoes if you wear them, and using the modifier anytime you need to get a break from the high impact movements that are frequent in this series. But think about it, it's called Insanity for a reason! If you're someone who's just starting out on their health and fitness journey and looking into this, I might recommend some different Beachbody options first but that would also depend on your goals! Feel free to contact me if you would like some help finding the right program for you.

My progress throughout this program was really more athletic than visual. I loved the agility of the program, the endurance building, and the crazy sweat sessions! I had lots of personal obstacles pop up while doing this program and to be honest, my nutrition wasn't always spot on, but progress is just that, PROGRESS! And that's the name of the game anyway right? I can't wait to get started in the next challenge group and move forward with my personal goals! Next up,...Body Beast!

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Left to right, Day 1, week 3, 4, 7, & 8

60 day progression photos. I missed a couple weeks pics but you get the idea!


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We are Andy and Danielle Neher, we live in the beautiful farm country of southwest MO where we are raising our four wonderful children and building an wonderful life of love and freedom...



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